Tag Archives: stress
Create the Change YOU want
How many times have you said you wanted something, but couldn’t seem to take the action towards acquiring or achieving it? And more importantly, how many countless hours, days and maybe even years have you spent mentally beating yourself up … Continue reading
Is it over yet?
“Does it ever end?” I’ve been asked this question quite a few times (and thought it myself at times) in regards to the yoga, personal growth, self-care or health journey . . . and my answer has always been an … Continue reading
Delicious Raw Diva Dip
Refreshing, energizing and nourishing, this dip helps tonify your stressed little adrenals and soothe digestion. This delicious recipe will definitely be on the menu at the live retreat portion of the Divine Diva Detox! 2 cups sunflower seeds, soaked … Continue reading
I have found myself (more times than I care to admit), dreaming of something really big – a big vision of what I desire to do, create and enjoy in this life, only to cut it short by putting it somewhere waaaay out there in never-never land, or simply dismissing that I could ever be capable of THAT. Continue reading