Category Archives: finding balance
Stay Healthy While Traveling
I often hear from clients that they feel challenged in staying on track when they take life on the road (aka travel). It’s true that you may not have the same options or schedule, but the secret is really in … Continue reading
Posted in farmer's markets, finding balance, getting healthy, gluten-free, green foods, Health on a budget, healthy eating, holistic health, immune health, meditation, nutrition, raw foods, relaxation, stress reduction, Superfoods, travel, Yoga
Tagged energy, essential oils, gluten-free recipes, healthy snack, holistic health, immunity, travel, yoga
108 Ways to Cleanse Mind-Body-Soul Today!
With autumn approaching, change is in the air, and the time is ripe for letting go and cleansing on all levels. Enjoy this list of some of my favorite ways to cleanse and get clear in your mind, body, emotions … Continue reading
Posted in anti-aging, beauty, cleansing, detox, essential oils, farmer's markets, finding balance, finding joy, gardening, happiness, health, healthy bliss, healthy habits, holistic health, Inspiration, longevity, meditation, nature, raw foods, relaxation, self-care, weight loss, Yoga
Tagged cleansing, detoxification, emotional wellness, health, holistic health, inspiration, stress, weight loss, yoga
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It Pays to Have “Good Energy”
First, I want to admit that sharing all of what I am starting to share with you feels a little awkward because there’s a part of me that feels like I’m bragging or trying to sound better than . . … Continue reading
Posted in abundance, beauty, cleansing, detox, Energize Your Life, family health, finding balance, finding joy, giving, happiness, healthy bliss, healthy eating, holistic health, increase energy, Inspiration, self-care, stress reduction
Tagged boost mood, emotional wellness, energy, holistic health, inspiration, mind-body healing, stress
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The Secret to a TRUE Yoga Body
“You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you, and allowing that goodness to emerge.” ~Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose I recently heard a … Continue reading
Posted in anti-aging, beauty, cleansing, finding balance, finding joy, getting healthy, happiness, holistic health, increase energy, Inspiration, longevity, prayer, spiritual transformation, weight loss, Yoga
Tagged cravings, emotional wellness, energy, holistic health, inspiration, weight loss, yoga
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Finding Inspiration to Commit to You: 3 Simple Steps
This week while coaching a few clients through their “commitment issues”, I realized that I’m in the business of change. I’m in the business of supporting others in changing. But for most people (including myself) change is not always easy. … Continue reading