Category Archives: binging
Anxiety & Emotional Eating
I’m not proud of this, but it happened … in this video I share about my recent experience with emotional eating … something I have not experienced in a long time. Please leave a comment below. Let me know how this … Continue reading
Posted in anxiety, binging, depression, emotional eating, flower essences, stress, stress reduction
Tagged anxiety, cravings, depression, emotional eating, emotional wellness, stress
Everything in Moderation: Is it really a good idea?
The other night while out at bar/restaurant watching a friend perform, one of my girlfriends said the phrase “Everything in moderation, right?”, as she was describing her latest get healthy regime. And I noticed, as I always do, how this … Continue reading
Anti-Anxiety tip
Does anxiety sometimes feel like it’s consuming your life? Do you ever feel like you just can’t turn off the “monkey mind”? This quick video tip shares a very simple yoga tip to help quiet the mind, bring you clarity … Continue reading