108 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Raising your vibration may sound kind of new age-y to some, but it is actually a potent practice to start implementing on a regular basis if you desire to be at optimal health, eradicate depression, enjoy high energy, create prosperity, call in (or cultivate) love, and just generally live a happy & fulfilling life.

Everything is vibration at it’s source.

What I share below are some of my many favorite ways to shift into a higher vibration … there are also contributions & inspirations from replies to my post on facebook.

What are some of your favorite ways to raise your vibration? Leave a comment below!

  1. Sing
  2. Dance
  3. Orgasm
  4. Gem stones
  5. Essential oils
  6. Nature time
  7. Music
  8. Raw, organic food
  9. Create art
  10. Fresh flowers
  11. Appreciation
  12. Reflection
  13. Meditation
  14. Yoga
  15. Mantra
  16. Qi Gong
  17. Skipping
  18. Quieting the mind
  19. Being in the woods
  20. Having a tantrum
  21. Skinny dipping in the ocean, lake or stream
  22. Walking barefoot
  23. Going to a festival
  24. Laughing
  25. Saying “I love you”
  26. Deep breathing
  27. Cleaning
  28. Snuggling
  29. Greens
  30. Candles
  31. Napping
  32. Standing on top of a mountain
  33. Walking at the beach
  34. Swimming in the ocean
  35. Gardening
  36. Loving thoughts
  37. Excitement
  38. Hugging
  39. Kissing
  40. Playing
  41. Children
  42. Pets
  43. Prayer
  44. Belief
  45. Gratitude
  46. Giving & receiving authentic compliments
  47. Do something for someone else
  48. Move your body
  49. Sky dive (or something else a little crazy)
  50. Chanting (listen or speak)
  51. Repeat positive thoughts or affirmations
  52. Get a massage
  53. Drink pure water (spring water is best)
  54. Drink “love” water – You can hold your water with the thumbs and middle fingers touching on either side of the bottle (heart Mudra) and send the water love. Then drink it.
  55. Mudra
  56. Jump up and down
  57. Gardening
  58. Beauty
  59. Farmer’s markets
  60. Poetry
  61. Reading uplifting literature
  62. Volunteering
  63. Humming
  64. Cleansing
  65. Shopping
  66. Feng Shui
  67. Hope
  68. Visualize
  69. Lay in the grass
  70. Touch trees
  71. Stop to smell the roses (literally!)
  72. Talk to animals
  73. Use natural, holistic remedies instead of drugs
  74. Stay away from alcohol
  75. Surround yourself with positive people
  76. Turn off the TV
  77. Speak your truth
  78. Forgive
  79. Practice random kindness
  80. Have compassion (first for yourself)
  81. Clap
  82. Look at the night sky
  83. Cuddle
  84. Post love notes to yourself over your home
  85. Sit by a fountain
  86. Surround yourself with things you love
  87. Give to others
  88. Cut out complaining and gossip
  89. Get energy work
  90. Smile
  91. Take a bath
  92. Say “yes” from the heart
  93. Talk to angels
  94. Make a beautiful meal
  95. Help someone in need
  96. Plant a tree
  97. Create a Vision Board
  98. Enjoy art
  99. Clear clutter
  100. Get dressed up
  101. Tell a joke
  102. Journal
  103. Say “no” when you mean no
  104. Get organized
  105. Walk
  106. Watch the sunset or sunrise
  107. Appreciate yourself
  108. Take a vacation
Posted in abundance, anti-aging, beauty, boosting metabolism, cleansing, cravings, depression, essential oils, exercise, finding balance, finding joy, happiness, health, healthy habits, holistic health, increase energy, Inspiration, longevity, Love, meditation, Miracles, nature, prayer, raw foods, relaxation, spirituality, stress reduction, Women's hormones, Yoga | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Manifesting Magic


Embodying Possibility!

I’m going to assume if you’re reading this as a part of the YBN community, that you have at least a tinsy tiny part of you that believes in magic … and a tinsy tiny part of you that craves adventure (even if it frightens you a bit).

Let me explain a little …

Last week I experienced having plans be turned upside down. One of these shifts involved a trip I had intended to take up to Lake Tahoe for a high-energy music and yoga festival.

For the most part, I had been looking forward to this “yoga party” up in the mountains … and yet, I was aware of a little part of me that was “not feeling it”.

Well, the day before I was scheduled to go, there was a shift in plans that allowed me the space to be real with myself about what served my highest good … but first I will fully admit to being pretty upset about having my plans disrupted. 🙂

Once my ego got out of the way, I realized what I REALLY needed was a quieter time … a personal retreat. There has been a lot of moving and movement and energy output in my life recently, and a non-harmful, but very uncomfortable health blip reminded me that I probably needed to take my own advice, slow down, go out into nature and refuel.

So, I opened myself up to what I really wanted … and to manifesting it, while keeping myself open to the magic of an adventure.

What and who showed up was truly beyond what I could have imagined. And it all happened pretty darn quickly!

I share this with you because most likely you’ve found yourself very attached to “The Plan” at some time in your life, right?

And when something happens to mess with it, you might feel like you want to throw a hissy fit … which is fine. We are all definitley entitled to feel what we feel. This is normal and healthy. It’s just being sure that the emotions don’t get stuck. (how to navigate this is something I teach in my retreats and programs).

Once the reaction passes, you can open up what’s possible. And it’s in the space of possibility that real magical manifesting can happen.

For me, possibility also equates to a certain quality of adventure. That uncharted territory that you get navigate without a traditional map, but with your vision of what you desire as your road map.

Now, here’s where you are offered the choice:

  1. You can choose to have this possibility adventure bring up fear
  2. Or you can choose to feel the elation & excitement of spreading your wings into what’s possible – even though you don’t really know what it looks like.

Let me share a little tip here that feels important:

** You will never really know what ANYTHING is going to look like or be like. All of life is uncertain, so it’s always better to just enjoy the ride!

Here’s a fun quote from Einstein that so speaks to this:

“Past is dead. Future is uncertain. Present is all you have, so eat, drink & live merry.”

My questions for you are:

“How will you “eat, drink & live merry?”

What will you choose to “eat” in your life? How will you digest the fullness and beauty of the life you have created?

Will you choose to drink and enjoy the sweet nectar of the present moment?

Will you choose to enjoy NOW, instead of waiting for …. (fill in the blank)

Embodiment Tip

While I was on my personal retreat/possibility adventure this weekend, I knew I wanted to utilize the energy of today’s Full Moon, so I created a VERY simple, yet Powerful little ritual that I’m going to share with you.

“Moon Bathing”: Open up to Possibility & Creative Power

This little ritual allows you to embody your manifestation power and creative energy in a very real way. And it all begins with the body. When you experience something viscerally, it allows it to better flow into and permeate other areas of life.

This is one of the main principles of Tantric Yoga, which I teach and practice.

How to do it:

  1. This enlivening and uplifting ritual is best done around the time of the full moon (right now!), which means on the full moon or a within the few days before or after the full moon.
  2. Find a spot outside where you can see the moon and stand in it’s light. Take a moment to gaze at, and connect with, this beautiful glowing orb in the sky.
  3. Close your eyes and imagine roots coming out of your feet that ground you into the earth
  4. Now imagine you have an opening between your eye brows, often called the “third eye”.
  5. As you feel this center open like a flower, see/feel the moon’s energy and light beginning to enter into this opening. Allow it to fill you and flood you.
  6. As you feel this energy coming in, feel yourself bathing in the possibility of what you are desiring to manifest or open up to in your life.
  7. Simply stand, breath and bath in the moon light. You may begin to feel a deep calm and peace come through you.
  8. Once you feel complete (maybe 5-8 minutes), thank the moon for her bath and know that magic has begun!

Join us for the upcoming 5-Day “Joyful Harvest” retreat at Tassajara here, where you’ll dive deeply into all kinds of special practices and rituals!

Let me know how it goes by leaving a comment below!

xox Ana

Posted in anti-aging, anxiety, beauty, Inspiration, Manifesting, meditation, Miracles, Moon rituals, reaching your goals, retreat, rituals, self-care, spiritual transformation, spirituality, stress reduction, Tassajara retreat, Women's hormones, Yoga, yoga retreat | Leave a comment

You Deserve This

Opening up to receiving can be VERY vulnerable

Have you ever had the experience of seeing or hearing about something really wonderful, and then saying to yourself “Oh, that’s not for me.”

Then feeling the music underneath these words:
“I don’t deserve that”
I have heard this from some women who have shown interest in the Radiant Diva VIP Day Intensives I offer. 
I can sense the glow of hope in them when they first inquire . ..
and then fear and doubt creeps in when they realize this really is the chance to be held powerfully for an entire day (or 2) . . . that this really is ALL ABOUT YOU. 

This can actually be kind of scary!

I get it completely, I’ve stepped into some BIG opportunities to work with mentors, teachers and programs . . . and often questioned my own worthiness.

What I can offer you is this:
Yes, YOU are enough.
Yes, YOU are worthy.
In fact, you are instrumental in the evolution of life on this planet no matter how “small” your day-to-day life seems.

You totally deserve it . . . ALL.

I offer some powerfully inspiring words below, which I invite you to drink in and savor at this New Moon time as you plant the seeds of your next growth.

Message from a Hopi Elder:

“You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour. Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour. And there are things to be considered….

Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for your leader.”

Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time!

There is a river running now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold onto the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination. The elders says we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water.

And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ‘struggle’ from your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

Note from Ana: There is something very special brewing here on the Central Coast (where I live), and I’m going to be a bit mysterious . . . If you are REALLY ready to Reclaim, Honor & Nourish Your Divinity, I invite you to please email me at Ana@YogaBodyNutrition.com to learn more about a unique & transformational opportunity open to only 4 women (3 spaces available).

What do these words stir up inside of you?

 Please share your comment below.

Posted in cravings, depression, emotional eating, finding balance, finding joy, Inspiration, Love, Miracles, weight loss, Women's hormones | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Taking the Challenge

Sometimes we need that extra push, a little something extra to inspire us to move forward and do what we desire to do . . . Enjoy this little video tip!

Posted in beauty, depression, exercise, getting healthy, hiking, Inspiration, longevity, nature | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Raw Flat Bread Recipe

This bread is the bomb! It is made with some unlikely ingredients, but some of the best recipes come about this way. 🙂


For more info about the Excalibur Dehydrator, click here for access to the 5 tray model or click here for info about the 9 tray model.

Posted in gluten-free, gluten-free recipes, health, healthy eating, healthy recipe, increase energy, nutrition, quick healthy food, raw foods, raw recipes, recipes, sexy foods, vegan recipe, weight loss | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment