I need your Help!

I desperately need YOUR help!


Because my big vision, my soul’s desire, my life purpose is

to serve you in living your most radiant, energetic, passionate

inspired, healthy life possible!

In order to do this and provide you with the support you need

(instead of what I think you need), I would love to hear from YOU

about what is holding you back from:

  • making changes you know  you need to make,
  • from getting the support you need,
  • creating supportive daily habits,
  • releasing addictions,
  • loving  your body,
  • staying on track
  • releasing extra weight
  • having the energy to spring out of bed every morning.

I need to know the darker side – what are your deepest fears, frustrations, demons and challenges – the nitty gritty everyday stuff that is squashing your spirit.

What do you want to know more about?

What kind of content would be valuable for you here?

Share this with me, and I promise to show up 110% as your guide, support system, coach and friend.

I promise to share with you the very best tools I have in my tool chest.

No holding back!

So, please take just a moment to either:

  • leave a comment below (it can be totally anonymous)
  • or email me privately at devana108@gmail.com

I am so excited to serve you to the fullest!

with gratitude,



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OVitamin Pro: A diamond in the rough of online vitamin stores

OVitamin Pro

I love finding great health supportive resources and products that I can share with you, and OVitamin Pro is one recent find very worth passing on. With hundreds, if not thousands of online supplement stores, quality products, helpful customer service and reliable information can be tough to find. When I found OVitamin Pro, I knew I had stumbled onto something great!

A couple of my preferred professional-grade supplement lines, Apex Energetics and Biotics Research, are normally only available through health care professionals. And for good reason, they require guidance and knowledge to get the right benefits. Well, OVitamin Pro offers these two lines as well as other very high quality professional grade supplements, including Life Wave Glutathione patches, which are fantastic for detox and boosting immunity.

The really great thing about OVitamin Pro is the support and solid articles they provide to educate you about the products. And if shipping rates typically deter you from ordering online, OVitamin Pro offers the hard to beat $1 shipping on any order!

Being that I work with many of my clients from all over, often by phone or internet, I love that there is a resource for you to get the high quality products I use and recommend to get the results you desire. One of my favorites is Adaptocrine by Apex, an herbal adaptogenic complex that helps anyone keep stress response from wreaking havoc on their health.

If you are at familiar with my work, you  know the effects of stress can be so destructive to just about any function of your body from sleep and detoxification to healthy weight loss, blood sugar levels, heart disease, inflammation, digestion, immunity and even cancer.

I suggest checking out OVitamin Pro, cruising their user friendly site, and be sure to check out all the great articles and helpful information they offer.

Posted in cleansing, getting healthy, immune health, natural medicine, nutrition, supplements | 2 Comments

Daily Ritual for Energy, Weight Loss & Mood

The single most important thing you can do everyday to effortlessly release weight (and keep it off), boost mood, balance hormones and support proper detoxification is to engage in daily “renewal rituals”.

Renewal rituals are activities that allow the body to release the negative energy and emotions from stress that actually build up in your body’s tissues. These are the emotions that leave you feeling depressed, anxious, craving sweets or junk, and holding onto fat.

If you don’t “process” these negative energies and stress build-ups, then your body will intuitively find another way. Nine times out of ten this involves seeking comfort from food (especially sugar and carbs), alcohol, cigarettes or other “drugs”.

Your body and brain are craving what I call a “rebooting”, and if you don’t provide the “renewal ritual” to clear the slate, you will find yourself emptying the cookie jar, ice cream container, bon bon box or whatever your comfort of choice might be.

The sugar will give a temporary lift, but then you will be back to square one, wanting more and more, and feeling horrible about yourself for your lack of “willpower”.

Over the course of the day our bodies, minds and spirits are like  sponges that soak up the messages, energies, emotions and psychic toxicity of all those around us. You may feel you do really well with your eating and self care until the end of the day when all self-control seems to go out the window. It’s not hunger or lack of willpower that knock you off the wagon. It’s stress!

A renewal ritual is something that connects you to your breath, body and soul. In holistic medicine, it is  known that when you connect to the soul or spirit, you release positive endorphins and reduce stress hormones. And excess stress hormones are what make your body hold onto fat and age more quickly.

I suggest you partake in a “renewal ritual” at least 1 time per day (ideally 2 times per day – morning and before dinner) since the endorphin boost lasts for only about 8 hours.

Your assignment:

Make sure to schedule some ME time for yourself daily.  Put it in your calendar, make it a priority. No one will do this for you, and yet you will be a better mother, employee, business owner, lover, friend, sister, basket weaver, whatever, if you commit to this ritual.

Try some meditation, Yoga, walking, deep breathing, prayer, dancing, bath time, tai chi, or whatever your spirit is calling for. Even just 5 minutes will do the trick, but 15 or 20 is even better.

Leave me a note below to let me know how it goes!

Ready to dive into the ultimate 2 weeks of renewal ritual? The Total Body Reboot & Cleanse virtual program has been wildly successful, and you have the chance to jump on board.

Sign up today, and you are on your way to feeling and looking fabulous.

You get loads of support materials, exercises, protocols, recipes and more. Plus some amazing bonuses like a  one-on-one Detox Strategy Session!

If you are feeling overloaded, overwhelmed, overweight, over-tired or just need a boost, this program is guaranteed to deliver.

Jump in now and get everything you need to take years of your body and renew your soul, for less than the price of most spa treatments.

With much love and inspired health!

Posted in anti-aging, beauty, cleansing, cravings, getting healthy, healthy habits, longevity, self-care, weight loss, Yoga | Tagged , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

10 Tips to Lighten Up For Spring

Get your spring cleanse groove on right away with these simple tips designed to help lighten your body and energize your spirit.

1. Start eating more raw foods. Raw foods are more cleansing than cooked foods. Wherever you are now, try increasing the amount of vibrant, enzyme-rich, beautifying and detoxifying raw plant foods.

2. Get outside. Nature is naturally cleansing. The clean air in the mountains, the oxygen in the forest, the negative ions at the ocean – these all have measurable therapeutic benefits on the body and spirit.

If you are local to Monterey, we will get together during the Spring Cleanse workshop for two outdoor excursions to support a healthy detox. Click here for details.

3. Walk around barefoot. The electromagnetic field (EMF), or energy, of the earth helps to build our energy and immunity, while the EMFs of electronics and radio waves are shown to deplete us. When you lose your shoes in nature, you get a huge boost to all healing systems of the body, which helps support your natural cleansing. This is a big reason people gravitate to these areas to de-stress.

Try it! Go out on the lawn, to the park or to the beach and kick your shoes off. Hang out for at least 30 minutes to refuel.

4. Add lemon to your morning water. Warm lemon water in the morning is a classic Ayurvedic detoxifier. The lemon gently cleanses the liver, alkalizes the body, provides necessary vitamin C, and warm water helps cleanse the lymphatic system.

Just be sure to rinse or brush your teeth, as the lemon can be slightly acidic to tooth enamel.

5. Try a green smoothie. If you were to ask me what the one simple thing you could do to dramatically increase your energy, release winter weight, uplift your mood, build bones, balance hormones, oxygenate your cells, support healthy digestion, supply super-powered nutrition, and gently nourish and cleanse the liver, I would tell you to have a green smoothie every day. The best way to make these is in a Vita-Mix as most other blenders will make a chunky, unappetizing mess. The options are endless with these. Click here for a personal favorite of mine.

Click here for more info on green smoothies.

6 Breathe deeply for 2 minutes every morning. You can never do this too much, but 2 minutes in the morning is a great start. As soon as you wake up, sit up in bed, close your eyes and focus on a relaxing image, word or thought. Consciously lengthen and deepen your breath for at least 2 minutes. This simple exercise will cleanse your mind, support your body’s relaxation response (necessary for detoxification), and give you a peaceful and clear-headed start to your day.

7. Add more (naturally) green foods. Green foods like broccoli, kale, spinach, dandelion greens, arugula, artichokes and asparagus are all particularly great to include in the spring. They support and detoxify the liver, which can get bogged down with winter’s heavier foods. Enjoy them in a salad, lightly cooked or in your green smoothie (see above).

8. Get active! Moving your body helps move waste out of all tissues. The cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, lymphatic system and skin (through sweat) are all cleansed when we get our body active. Exercise will also help stimulate healthy feel good hormones and mobilize toxins stored in fat tissue. Find something you love to do!

9. Do a cleanse. Cleansing with the seasons is a fantastic way to consciously do something really great for your body and spirit. Your body works so hard to keep you going, but just like your car it needs a tune-up to function  at its prime. I suggest doing a cleanse with the guidance of a qualified holistic health professional.

Click here to learn about the 2010 Spring into Summer Total Body Reboot 2-week Cleanse Workshop.

10. Try a daily twist. Sit on the edge of your chair with feet flat on the ground. Holding onto your chair seat with your left hand, reach with your right hand across to your outer left thigh. Lengthen your spine with an inhale, on an exhale twist from your belly to your left. Hold for 2-10 breaths, then switch sides. Twisting is the most common detox pose in yoga. It puts a squeeze on many of the body’s major digestive and detoxification organs, as well stimulates the cerebral spinal fluid (feeds the brain).

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Sugar Free Challenge

Do you find yourself wanting something a little something sweet around 3pm?

Or perhaps you need something sweet after every meal?

Is it impossible to stop once you start eating the sweet stuff?

What about breads and pastas?

Your body is wise.

So just because you are having uncontrollable sugar cravings does not make you weak or your body the enemy.

Cravings of any  kind are a cry for help. A cry for balance.

It is the opportunity to investigate what might be off and give your body, mind, spirit what it really needs.

Sugar has many unhealthy consequences as you can read in my past blog post.

It also fogs up your clarity and purpose.

It darkens the light of the spirit.

If you are ready to take the sugar free challenge, here are some tips:

Eight Steps To Sugar Freedom:

  1. Add more leafy greens – nature’s magic food
  2. Add more sweet vegetables – carrots, sweet potato, yams, beets, cooked onions, parsnips, winter squash
  3. Monitor your protein– not too much, not too little
  4. Get more water – hydration heals sooo much
  5. Add natural sweeteners to your foods/cooking – stevia, xylitol, real raw agave, raw honey
  6. Call in more sweetness in your life! Get a hug, visit with nature, call a friend, get a massage . . .
  7. Eat breakfast. And make it a good one. Try some veggies for breakfast or a good quality superfood shake, you might be surprised!
  8. Feed your spirit. Connect with work or hobbies that inspire and nourish your being.

Bonus: Get support! I am so grateful to the counselors and health professionals who guided me along this path.

Join the 2010 Spring Into Summer Total Body Reboot 2-week cleanse program.

Click here to learn more

Need support? Contact Ana to schedule your break through session today!

devana108@gmail.com (831) 601-3282

Posted in cleansing, cravings, Energize Your Life, getting healthy, healthy eating, longevity, nutrition, sugar, Superfoods, weight loss | Leave a comment