The single most important thing you can do everyday to effortlessly release weight (and keep it off), boost mood, balance hormones and support proper detoxification is to engage in daily “renewal rituals”.
Renewal rituals are activities that allow the body to release the negative energy and emotions from stress that actually build up in your body’s tissues. These are the emotions that leave you feeling depressed, anxious, craving sweets or junk, and holding onto fat.
If you don’t “process” these negative energies and stress build-ups, then your body will intuitively find another way. Nine times out of ten this involves seeking comfort from food (especially sugar and carbs), alcohol, cigarettes or other “drugs”.
Your body and brain are craving what I call a “rebooting”, and if you don’t provide the “renewal ritual” to clear the slate, you will find yourself emptying the cookie jar, ice cream container, bon bon box or whatever your comfort of choice might be.
The sugar will give a temporary lift, but then you will be back to square one, wanting more and more, and feeling horrible about yourself for your lack of “willpower”.
Over the course of the day our bodies, minds and spirits are like sponges that soak up the messages, energies, emotions and psychic toxicity of all those around us. You may feel you do really well with your eating and self care until the end of the day when all self-control seems to go out the window. It’s not hunger or lack of willpower that knock you off the wagon. It’s stress!
A renewal ritual is something that connects you to your breath, body and soul. In holistic medicine, it is known that when you connect to the soul or spirit, you release positive endorphins and reduce stress hormones. And excess stress hormones are what make your body hold onto fat and age more quickly.
I suggest you partake in a “renewal ritual” at least 1 time per day (ideally 2 times per day – morning and before dinner) since the endorphin boost lasts for only about 8 hours.
Your assignment:
Make sure to schedule some ME time for yourself daily. Put it in your calendar, make it a priority. No one will do this for you, and yet you will be a better mother, employee, business owner, lover, friend, sister, basket weaver, whatever, if you commit to this ritual.
Try some meditation, Yoga, walking, deep breathing, prayer, dancing, bath time, tai chi, or whatever your spirit is calling for. Even just 5 minutes will do the trick, but 15 or 20 is even better.
Leave me a note below to let me know how it goes!
Ready to dive into the ultimate 2 weeks of renewal ritual? The Total Body Reboot & Cleanse virtual program has been wildly successful, and you have the chance to jump on board.
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With much love and inspired health!