The Vow of Emotional Independence

This is a special post-Independence Day gift from the divinely inspired coach and leader, Debbie Ford.

Just wanted to share it with you!

Oh, and let me know what you think by leaving a comment down below..



I, ______ ________, am committed to living free of the strangulating grip of fear, shame, doubt, worry, anger, and sadness.

I promise to give my power to the force greater than myself rather than some food, substance, bad habit, or disempowering craving.

I will stand for my highest expression rather than allowing others’ judgments to define who I am.

I will always make sure to please and take care of myself instead of succumbing to any people-pleasing habits.

I will listen to the voice of my soul rather than listening to the voice of my critical internal judge.

I will find joy in each and every day of my existence rather than get caught up in the insanity of my world.

I will take care of my planet and let my voice be heard instead of waiting for someone else to do it for me.

I will choose powerfully each and every moment to make choices that leave me feeling inspired by myself and will graciously let go of my self-defeating behaviors.

I take this vow NOW as a positive stand for my soul’s highest expression and for every man, woman, and child on this planet today.

As I set myself free, I am freeing myself and others from the violence of my darkest thoughts, my negative projections, and my limiting self-image.

And now I ask all the powers that be to support me in living this vow each and every moment of each and every day.

As I surrender my will for the higher will, I know that I will be guided from my darkest thought to my greatest dream, from my head to my heart.

Today, I commit to living in full accordance with this vow.

And so it is.

Live as if this is your birthright and your destiny – because it is.

© Debbie Ford, July, 2010

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Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

“You are your own worst enemy.”

This was a phrase my father used a lot whenever someone was standing in their own way or indulging in self-sabotaging behaviors.

In working with countless clients over the years, I see this pattern show up again and again. And I see it myself as well.

You know the deal I’m sure.

You know what you should be doing or more importantly what you WANT to be doing, and yet you don’t do it. Or maybe you do for a little while, then you fall of the wagon, you let all best intentions fall away.

But most of all you fall out of integrity with yourself.

Each time this happens you are breaking a promise to yourself, which feeds self-doubt, low self-esteem, low self worth and breaks the trust bond with yourself. So, each time you say you are going to do better, you really don’t trust yourself. And when there is a lack of trust, there will be lack of commitment.

The tricky part about all this is that it is under the scenes, it is not something you are totally aware of, so don’t feel bad.

What you want to do here is to break this cycle and start to see real movement forward, real progression. It’s time to stop being your own worst enemy and start being your own best friend.

You may be thinking this sounds cheesy, but I am totally serious here. The moment you start treating yourself as your best friend, the friend you love deeply and want to keep around forever, you will literally see miracles begin to happen in your relationship to food, your body and everyone else around you.

What I want to share with you here is a 3 step formula for becoming your own best friend and rebuilding the  trust with yourself for a healthy, long-term relationship and quantum leaps forward in your health, happiness and abundance.

Sound good?

Step One = What is it?

First, take a look at where you are losing integrity or indulging in self sabotage in your life? You know how this makes you feel – guilty, frustrated, angry, ashamed, depressed, anxious, tired, afraid, upset, like a victim and more. What you need to do now is acknowledge and see these areas, and then STOP doing it! Stop punishing yourself with this destructive behavior. Don’t judge it, just let it go.

If you have to, write all these behaviors on a piece of paper and burn it. Transform the energy into something that can work for you, not against you.

Step Two = Dream It!

Now, make a list of everything you say you are going to do (or want to do) and FOLLOW THROUGH.

Is this easy? No.

It is worth it? Are you worth it? Heck yeah!

It will take focus, planning, organization, commitment, discipline, determination, as well as creativity, joy and love. The good news? These are all wonderful characteristics for success with your business, your relationships, your body, and your life.

Have fun with this, make a game out of it. Every time you say you are going to do something and follow through reward yourself or do something special. Enlist a friend or loved one who can offer some additional cheerleading.

Step Three = Slow and Steady Action

Next, only bite off what you can chew in one sitting. Meaning take it slow and steady, but take consistent action. Have integrity with yourself around food and exercise. Start building your best friend relationship with yourself. You should be treating yourself like that very special friend that you really want to stick around. You wouldn’t let that friend down again and again would you? You wouldn’t tell them they’re not good enough unless you didn’t want them around anymore, right?

Well, stop doing it with yourself!

Start with one meal at a time, one step at a time. You can do this. You really can. I believe in you 100%.

Imagine if everyone you knew (and even those you don’t) started acting in integrity. The world be a totally different and wonderful place.

Start with yourself, start today. As a wise man once said, “ Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Take a deep breath, commit now and start taking action!

Critical Bonus Step!

The Last step in this equation is to get support. We are not here to do this (or anything) on our own.

I am so incredibly grateful to those who support me in my business, in my health, in my relationships, in my spirituality, and in my fun.

Ask for help, there is no need to struggle.

My special gift to you!

On Tuesday, August 17th at 5pm PT I will be hosting a totally F*REE call:

“Secrets to Natural Weight Loss and Body Love”

In this teleclass I will be sharing my system for stepping out of your drama around food and your body, so that you can step into a slim, energized and joyful life.

Click here to register

Let me help you stop being  your own worst enemy and start being your own best friend.

  • What are the 3 most important daily habits you need to cultivate right now that take very little effort or money
  • How to actually use your little doubt demons to  help you move forward, instead of letting them hold you back.
  • The best ways to finally enjoy “food freedom”. This is the place that you can make empowered decisions and effortlessly move forward with your body, health and life. Now that’s worth celebrating!
  • How to get “addicted to” (in a good way) your work outs and let go of struggle, guilt and pushing.

Register today,

This is a call not to be missed!

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Choose Happiness

Happy Summer Solstice!

In honor of this special time, I just wanted to offer something short and sweet,

so you can go out and celebrate the sun!

“Ask youself,

What am I WAITING for

to MAKE me happy?

WHY am I not HAPPY

RIGHT now?

We can be extremely HAPPY just sitting


We don’t have to do or ACHIEVE anything

We ENJOY the MIRACLE of simply BEING here.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Can Salad Really Be Satisfying?

saladI have a small confession: I love salads!

I love making them, I love looking at them, I love eating them, and I love sharing them.

If you’re rolling your eyes and groaning by now, then this article is definitely for you!

What I realized the other night while creating one of my salad feasts, was that a lot of people (perhaps you included), don’t like salads, and maybe even hate them.

You might find them boring, dry, label them as “diet food”, unsatisfying, not real food, only for bird eaters, whatever!

I have talked to many friends and clients that have just flatly said, “You know, salads are just not that satisfying!”

And you know what? I hear you on this.

A sorry bowl of iceberg lettuce with some gross chemical-tasting, low fat dressing and maybe some cardboard tomatoes would send me running for a bacon double cheeseburger and Chunky Monkey ice cream too!

So, this is where I introduce you to the salad paradigm shift.

It’s time to get excited about salads!

It is time to meet the sumptuously satisfying world of salad feasting.

First, I want to share that I too was never all that impressed or excited about salads. Growing up, we would sometimes have small side salads with dinner. Just a few pretty fresh greens with a couple of cucumber slices and a dash of red bell pepper. Not bad, but not super exciting.

In my days of dieting, salads always seemed like a “safe” thing to eat.

But it wasn’t until I finally healed my relationship with food and my body, and began seeing food as a way to nourish my best life (instead of a way to numb out the pain), that I finally started to get really excited about the abundance of vibrant, colorful, flavorful endless variety of vegetables available.

If you have ever been seeking weight loss, glowing skin, lighter body and mind, more energy, greater vitality, etc, you have most likely entered the wild world of eating salads. It’s even possible that your heart sunk at the idea of being relegated to plain old, unexciting, bowls of dry lettuce with maybe some cucumber slices or those fantastic cardboard tomatoes.

Bring on the double cheeseburgers please!

Here is the magic secret I discovered about salads:

They are an opportunity to let your creative juices flow and to take your senses for a joy ride!

Salads are the perfect opportunity to play with color, texture, flavor, and high-voltage nutrition when you let yourself think outside the box.

Here is my 5 step system to creating satisfying, exciting and body beautifying salads.

Step one: Get a big beautiful bowl.

Don’t hold yourself back by limiting it to small salad bowl. Get out your favorite large bowl. Preferably something  pretty and handmade like ceramic or simple wood or bamboo. If you don’t have anything like this, treat yourself to something nice, so that you’ll be especially motivated to create your work of edible art.

Step Two: Collect your Materials

Okay, so this step may or may not require some pre-planning depending on your shopping habits. If you tend to keep a fairly regular stock of colorful fresh veggies on hand, start rooting in the fridge. Pull out anything that catches your eye and look for textures, colors and flavors that appeal, even if it doesn’t seem like traditional salad fare.

If you tend to keep a “bachelor’s fridge” (read: empty), or one bare of anything fresh, it’s time to start a new supportive habit called planning. Schedule in a run to the farmer’s market or natural foods store at least one time per week to stock up on fresh goodies. See my article on keeping your produce fresh.

If time is tight, I highly recommend joining a  CSA (community supported agriculture), they are pretty much everywhere these days. Check out

* Tip: Step out of your comfort zone in this step and use at least one ingredient you normally would NOT put in a salad. You might just surprise yourself!

Step Three: Creation – Get Inspired!

To make things easier, we are going to take a step back to the whole planning thing. You can have some veggies pre-prepped and ready to go by prepping more than you need at any given time.

Wash and dry greens, wash and grate beets, carrots or jicama, pre-cut broccoli and fennel, etc. Some pre-cut veggies (like celery, bell pepper, radishes) are best stored in filtered water.

I personally don’t find it too time consuming to chop a lot of the extras on the spot, but see what fits your schedule.

As you chop (and you can use a food processor with slicing or grating attachments for super speed), try cutting things in different sizes and shapes. You can grate your carrots, sliver your zucchini, slice your sugar snap peas, chop your tomatoes, tear your basil and dice your celery.

Make a mandala, layer your veggies, put them in separate piles in your bowl, or just mix them all together. This is your work of art, don’t hold back!

* Tip: If you feel stuck on what add to your creations, see my comprehensive list below.

Step Four: Dress it

Here is where I find a lot of people get hung up on the idea that store bought dressing is somehow easier than homemade. Yet another paradigm to shatter and shift.

Most of the time you can get a ton of satisfying flavor from using more “unusual” vegetables and just using extra virgin olive or flax oil, a squeeze of lemon and dash of good quality Celtic or Pink salt.

If you want to take it a step further, add some chopped garlic, ginger, fresh herbs, spices. Use your imagination, but still keep it simple.

Add a touch of stevia or xylitol if  you like it a little sweetness.

If you mix up enough for a week or so, you have “fast food” dressing ready to go.

You can even use blended avocado as a base for a rich creamy and super healthy dressing. See my cookbook or detox program for some great dressing recipes.

* Tip: When you use high-quality items to dress your salads, you don’t have to worry about grams of fat or calories. Use enough to coat, but not saturate your veggies.

Step Five: Savor and Enjoy!

Now that you have made your salad feast, take the time to really enjoy it. Sit down, take a few deep breaths, take in the aroma, take in the visual beauty and relax. Using a fork or chop sticks begin to enjoy this masterpiece one bite at a time, chewing well. Because chewing releases enzymes necessary to digest your food, you will find greater satisfaction, nutrient absorption and even enhanced sweetness when you really take the time.

* Tip: To make sure to get the most from your salad creation, eat it first before anything else you might be including in your meal. This ensures that you won’t be too full to enjoy its bounty.

My list of favorite salad ingredients (I would love to hear about any of your own!)

You can really eat just about any veggie in the nude (aka raw)

All of these veggies can be eaten raw deliciously!


Bell peppers








Green beans

Carrot tops



Fennel (bulb and fronds)



Red or green cabbage

Red or green leaf lettuce

Beets (shredded)

Beet greens









Red onion





corn (yup!)

English peas

Sugar snap peas

Snow peas

Mizuna (yummy exotic Asian green)

Bok Choy


Mustard greens (a little goes a long way)

Dandelion greens (in small amounts)

Please leave a comment below and let me know how it goes with  your salad feasting!

Ready to ditch restrictive diets and breakthrough your barriers to finally letting go of excess weight, doubling your energy and healing your relationship to your body?

Schedule your F.REE Slim & Stress-free Breakthrough phone session ($147 value) today!

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Birthday Pate

birthday cakeTwo beautiful and dear friends celebrated their birthdays this past week.

And along with enjoying some celebratory birthday magic, I shared my “trusty”

recipe of easy to make, delicious, raw curry almond pate (now known as Birthday Pate).

I got so much positive feedback, I decided to share the recipe with all of you.

Roll it up in a nori wrapper with some veggies, use as dip for veggie sticks, use as

a salad topping, stuff it into a tomato, mushroom, cucumber or bell pepper, or spread on a flax cracker.

Please enjoy on your birthday or any day!

Birthday Pate Recipe (aka Curry Almond Pate)

This pate lends itself to endless variations. Try adding sundried tomatoes or olives, fresh fennel, herbs or anything else your imagination can dream up!

  • 1 cup raw almonds, soaked 8-12 hours and drained
  • 1/2 cup celery, chopped
  • 1 to 2 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 1/2 cup zucchini, chopped
  • 3/4 cup carrot, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger root, chopped
  • fresh lemon or lime juice to taste
  • fresh lemon or lime zest
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 3/4 teaspoon Celtic salt
  • dash cayenne

In a food processor using an “s” blade, process the veggies, garlic and ginger until minced.

Add the rest of the ingredients and continue processing, scraping down the sides as needed, until desired smoothness is reached.

Serve garnished with chopped cilantro or parsley in any way you please!

Leave your comments below to let me know what you think. : )

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