About one month ago I took a BIG leap.
I mean big.
In one of the worst economic times since the great depression, I have continued to pour my heart and soul into a business I love.
And you know what?
We’re growing.
How can it be that businesses small and large are folding all over the place, yet a holistic health business can prosper?
Well, it comes back to that big leap.
About 2 months ago, I followed my heart and my passion and invested in a program that I knew would support me and my business in ways I could not even imagine.
Now, my rational self said,
“Are you crazy???”
“How much do you want to spend on this program?”
“Where will you get the money?”
And on and on . . .
But you know what I did?
I got out of my own way.
I allowed my intuition to guide me, and allowed my trust that everything works out perfectly to push me forward.
So I said “yes” to myself and to my vision even in the face of what seemed like a crazy decision . . .
And I am so glad I did.
You see the program has only just begun, and I have already received transformation and value like I never could have imagined. My energy is better, my body seems to be growing younger, my relationships have improved and my business is thriving.
That is the beauty of jumping in when you hear the calling; of following your gut instinct or your heart; of making YOU important – no matter what your doubt demons or other people say.
Because the truth is, unconsciously they may not want you to grow or be successful or get healthy. If you stay as you are, even if you are unhappy, that is what is comfortable to others (and to you).
So, I am here to give you that gentle nudge and say
“If not now, when?”
“If not you, who?”
Life is too short to play small.
Life is too short to not taste the nectar that exists just outside your comfort zone.
I may not be an economist or expert investor, but I can confidently say that the absolute BEST investment you can ever make is in YOU.
There is no joy in a body that is sick.
Wealth cannot be fully enjoyed in a state of illness or pain.
It is literally impossible to live your passion when you don’t have enough energy to just get through the day . . .
I often see the trepidation in my prospective clients eyes, and I have had that same trepidation myself, but I have never had a client turn around and say to me “God, I wish I hadn’t invested in myself, what a waste.”
Quite the opposite. They usually gush that they would have paid any amount to achieve the health, clarity and joy they reach at the end of their programs.
Likewise, the more I am willing to invest in myself, the more I see flow to me in return.
When you have health, when you glow, when you are out of pain, when you have energy, when your moods are balanced, when your skin and eyes are clear and bright, when you have body confidence . . . you literally attract better relationships, opportunities, career possibilities and resources.
I am a true believer in the law of attraction as I witness how it works in my own life and the lives of others.
Be what you want before it is actually manifest, and it will come quickly.
It takes faith, but it works.
Because of my “big leap” I found my true self while on retreat with 9 other powerful women and our very powerful “leader”, Rose Cole.
Nothing is more valuable than this.
As powerful women in this program we have been “upping our game” with holistic nutrition, personal exploration, cleansing and more.
All in the name of shining our light in the brightest way possible to be of service in a bigger way.
I can’t tell you how amazing the experience of real investment has been, but I wanted to share a bit about this with you in order to show you that anything IS possible . . .
That you ARE worth it . . .
That you have a bright light to shine . . .
You just need to start honoring your body as the temple that it is.
Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself, after all, you are really all you have.
If you feel ready to take a big leap and invest in your future in a big way, I invite you to apply for one of just 3 spots available through the rest of the year for my Private Platinum Health Coaching Retreat. This intensive is by application only. You get to spend an entire day with a holistic health pro (that’s me!) to unlock your unique radiant body code, and get all the tools to look (and feel) younger, experience abundant energy, shed excess weight and jump start your get-healthy journey to results that really last.
Learn more and download your application here.
with love and healthy inspiration,