Chocolate Raw Cheesecake: The Ultimate Healthy Indulgence

Chocolate Raw Cheesecake - YUMMM!

I love cheesecake! But I never loved how I felt after eating it. I later found out I was allergic to dairy, and the sugar was feeding my depression, Candida and general addiction. So, when I discovered raw cheesecake, I was blown away by how amazingly delicious it was, AND that I felt GOOD after eating it. It felt light, yet satisfying in my body, and didn’t ignite the usual compulsion to eat more and more and more. . .

What makes raw cheesecake healthier than “regular” cheesecake? Well, it’s dairy-free, sugar-free, flour-free and this recipe contains the super food, raw cacao (raw chocolate). When the unprocessed, unheated cacao bean powder is used, you get all the amazing nutrients and antioxidants in their full strength.

This recipe is especially low sugar as it only uses the herb stevia as a sweetener, so there is no negative effect on the blood sugar at all.

In fact, this is one dessert you can enjoy for breakfast with full confidence that you are getting a healthy and indulgent start to the day!

Enjoy, and please let me know what you think by leaving a comment below.

Chocolate Raw Cheesecake Recipe

Prepare the Crust

  • 1 cup dried finely shredded coconut
  • 1 cup pecans (soaked overnight – this lowers the acid level and makes them more digestible)
  • pinch of Celtic sea salt
  • 2-4 drops liquid stevia
  • pinch of cayenne

In a food processor, process the coconut until fine. Add remaining ingredients and process to a sticky consistency. Press mixture into the bottom of a 6 or a 9 inch spring form pan.

Put into the freezer to set while you are making the filling.

Prepare the Filling

Blend all ingredients except the coconut oil in a blender (I highly recommend a Vita-Mix) adding additional almond milk as needed. Once the batter is completely smooth add the coconut oil and blend again. Pour into the crust and smooth the surface with a spatula. Let the cheesecake set up overnight in the refrigerator or freeze for one hour if serving that day.

Chai-Spice Cheezecake variation: use carob over raw cacao, and add 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. ginger powder, 1 tsp. cardamom, 1/2 tsp. black pepper, 1/4 tsp. ground cloves, 1/2 tsp. star anise or regular anise. This recipe is really yummy topped with fresh whole or pureed berries, cacao nibs, raw chocolate sauce, goji berries, shredded coconut, or any other yummy morsel your imagination can cook up. : )

* Click here to learn how easy it is to make homemade almond milk. If you don’t want to make the milk, you can purchase unsweetened almond milk in most health food stores. Coconut milk can also be used.

Love and healthy bliss,


PS – Enjoy 50 more fabulously healthy recipes in my cookbook “Quick. Healthy. Delicious. 50 Favorite Recipes to Feed Your Life!”

Posted in aphrodisiacs, chocolate, cleansing, detox, food allergies, gluten-free, gluten-free recipes, happiness, healthy bliss, healthy desserts, healthy holiday recipes, holiday recipe, increase energy, raw foods, recipes, sugar-free desserts, Superfoods, vegatarian/vegan nutrition, weight loss | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Finding Inspiration to Commit to You: 3 Simple Steps

Find your inspiration to commit to YOU

This week while coaching a few clients through their “commitment issues”, I realized that I’m in the business of change. I’m in the business of supporting others in changing.  But for most people (including myself) change is not always easy. Even when you think you WANT the change.

Change pushes your comfort buttons, threatens the status quo (even when the status quo is undesirable), and can rock the boat of close relationships.

I remember when I knew I needed to change my eating habits if I was going to stop suffering. Even with knowing this, it still took a lot of support and some time before I could begin to commit to the changes.

After all, feeling good was not familiar, I wanted it, yet was afraid of the unknown.

The important thing to remember is that change is inevitable – It WILL happen, it’s universal law. By not creating change in my own habits, I was actually supporting the undesirable change of feeling worse by the day.

So, if change is indeed inevitable, I invite you to explore this:

Why not CREATE or allow the change you DO want, rather than resisting the change you don’t want, which causes suffering and often makes you feel like a powerless victim.

Conscious change (change that you allow, initiate or create) is where you can find peace. Peace with your body, your mind, your relationships, your life.

It’s also the ONLY place you’ll grow and expand into the being you came here to be. And no matter what “bigger” things you came here to be or do, your expanded self is healthy, inspired, empowered, beautiful, prosperous, confident happy and and able to stay strong with the ups and downs of life.

In this state you are connected to your purpose, in the flow and able to bring into your life just about anything you want.

And here’s where commitment comes into the picture.

We often talk about committing to a marriage, a job, a project, a contract, parenthood, etc. But when was the last time you commited to yourself?

I mean really committed. I’m not talking about willpower, forcing or struggle, but I AM talking about change. Because in committing to what is best for you moving forward, you will most likely need to let go of old habits and unravel old conditioning.

There is also a certain amount of discipline in commitment. The word “discipline” might sound like punishment, but in healthy, spacious, loving discipline there is total freedom.

When you can see that the “discipline” of eating healthy foods and doing good to your body is actually where you achieve the freedom to really feel good (which can be a little scary if your used to feeling bad), it’s all down hill from there! ♥

If the glow of your New Year’s resolutions have started to fade, and you now find yourself wallowing in guilt for falling off the wagon, I want to offer 3 steps to inspired commitment for creating the change you want without (groan) willpower.

Three steps to committing to conscious/inspired change:

  1. Connect with your desires. I mean your deep down “gotta have it” desires. Losing 10 pounds is not necessarily a desire because it lacks emotion and inspiration, right? Confidently walking into a room (whether it’s a party or an important meeting) feeling svelte and invincible in your favorite dress IS a desire. Take some time to really connect with your desires, allow yourself some time and space to go deep. It can help sometimes to keep asking yourself “Why?”
  2. Commit to consistent action from an inspired place for at least 30 days – not your whole life, not even for a year, just 30 days. New habits generally take about 3-4 weeks to become new pathways in the brain, so by committing for 30 days you make it easy for yourself down the road. Also, by telling yourself you only need to commit for 30 days, the inner rebel doesn’t freak out so much or feel threatened. You can tell the inner rebel that it can have its way after 30 days if it’s really putting up a fight.
  3. Expect the best. OK, so if you’re feeding your action with heartfelt desire, keep expecting that desired outcome. Spend some time daily (ideally first thing in the morning and right as you drift off to sleep) to see, feel, taste and smell your desired outcome. If you expect it, it can’t help but happen. Also, your expectation will dictate how easily you stick with the action. Do you see how all three of these steps keep feeding the others.

As you practice these 3 steps, please let me know how it goes by leaving a comment below!

One of the easiest ways to start the inspired commitment ball rolling  is to get support and find a “tribe”. My upcoming Spring Rejuvenation Retreat includes 4-days of healthy inspiration with daily yoga, meditation, healthy food, wellness lectures and so much more. You will have the chance to immerse yourself in a healthy lifestyle at a very affordable price. Learn more here.

Posted in abundance, exercise, finding balance, getting healthy, happiness, health, healthy bliss, healthy habits, holistic health, Inspiration, natural health, reaching your goals, self-care, weight loss | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Winter Kale Pesto


Brilliant fresh kale in the garden

What I love about this recipe is that it gives you all the super nutrition of raw kale in a way that is VERY digestible and palatable for just about everyone.

It also has that summery, mediterranean diet feeling to help bring some sunshine to any winter blues. : )

If you at all interested in boosting your energy, uplifting your mood, alkalizing your body, supporting glowing skin, increasing immunity and catapulting your health for pennies a day, greens are just NOT optional!

They are mandatory! : )

Ok, lecture time over, go on and enjoy this super yummy recipe on spaghetti squash, over kelp noodles, on a veggie frittata, mixed with avocado as a spread for flax crackers, on baked chicken or fish, tossed with raw or steamed veggies . . . and whatever else your imagination can dream up.
This is a totally versatile condiment superfood!

  • 1 large bunch Lacinato or curly kale
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. dark miso paste (unpasteurized) or 5-6 sundried black olives (or you can just use salt)
  • Celtic sea salt or Himalayan Pink salt to taste
  • optional: soaked raw pumpkin seeds, cashews or sunflower seeds

Process everything by the olive oil in a food processor until finely chopped. With processor running, slowly drizzle in the olive oil for best results. Adjust flavorings and ingredients as needed.

Fun options: Add sundried tomatoes instead of miso or olives. Include fresh cilantro, parsely or basil. Try grated lemon zest.

Posted in anti-aging, beauty, Energize Your Life, food allergies, gluten-free recipes, green foods, happiness, health, healthy eating, holistic health, nutrition, recipes, seasonal foods, weight loss | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Holiday Love Note

Move towards your dreams, the future IS bright

If the holiday season has you whirling in a stew of stress and overrun with overwhelm, the urge to stuff your mouth with cookies (or any other holiday goodie) might be overpowering.

But instead I invite you to STOP for one moment and . . .

Breath . . .
Smile . . .
Celebrate all that you  have  . . .
Acknowledge your many gifts . . .
Write down what you are grateful for . . .
Say “I love  you” to yourself in the mirror . . .

You’re more amazing than you’ve imagined.

Your only limitations in life are limiting beliefs,
and these are just a figment of your imagination.

Meditate more, think less . . .
Dance more, worry less . . .
Breath more, fear less . . .

Play more, eat less . . .

Love more, hate less . . . Stretch more, laugh more, live more!

I encourage you step forward into the uncharted territories of the New Year with the wonder, curiosity and innocent fearlessness of a child.

Be bold, dream big, love much, smile at strangers, do what brings YOU total joy . . .

“life is too short to be doing what you hate” (Rose Cole)

You are never alone, you are always loved and supported . . . Don’t settle for anything less. : )

Happy Holidays and Blissful New Year!

with love and healthy bliss,


Posted in cravings, Energize Your Life, finding balance, finding joy, giving, happiness, health, healthy bliss, holiday stress, holidays, holistic health, immune health, increase energy, Inspiration, longevity, natural health, New Year Vision, reaching your goals, relaxation, sugar addiction, weight loss, Yoga | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How to Winterize your Smoothie

winterize your smoothie

spices help warm your smoothie up!

Brrrrr, it’s starting to get chilly out there, which means a vibrant, nutrient-rich smoothie may not sound so good.

But what if you could have all the yumminess,  health benefits AND convenience of a smoothie and not be left shivering and unsatisfied.

Well, allow me to introduce the “winter smoothie”. The winter smoothie uses ingredients that may be a little denser than your light summertime smoothie. The winter smoothie never uses ice, but instead uses spice! The winter smoothie uses secret immune boosters to help keep you sniffle free all season long.

So if you love healthy fast food as much as I do, read on for how you can give your smoothie a winter makeover.

How to winterize  your smoothie is 6 simple steps:

Fatten up. That’s right, adding healthy fats to your smoothie can create  luxurious mouth experience that helps insulate you from winter cold. Winter is not the time for a low fat diet, but it is also not the time to overindulge and feel like a bloated penguin. : ) With good fats like almonds and almond milk, avocado, coconut oil and coconut milk, you will be well on your way to looking and feeling a like winter goddess instead.

Spice is nice. Adding spices to your smoothie adds a whole new dimension of flavor and health benefits. Spices help warm things up, aid in digestion, can boost metabolism, increase immunity and stimulate circulation to give you a winter glow! Try cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, anise, cloves, black pepper, turmeric, cayenne, fennel, coriander and even curry. Keep it simple and experiment a little bit.

Not just for smell. Therapeutic grade essential oils can add an exotic depth to your smoothie. Oils in the citrus family like grapefruit, orange, tangerine and lemon can be especially nice at this time of year because they boost mood and provide concentrated vitamin C and antioxidants to ward off winter colds. Be sure to use ONLY pure, unadulterated oils for internal purposes. Do not buy just any oil. The only brand I work with for internal use is Young Living. To learn more or to order visit and use customer code 904207.

Add heat. When the weather is cold outside it is not a good idea to introduce cold food or drink into the body. It halts digestion (meaning you get digestive issues, low energy and fat storage), can make you spacey and unfocused, and just makes your body have to work that much harder to keep body temperature up. This is one of the many reasons I like the Vita-Mix Blender because it can gently heat whatever your blending when you keep it going for more than 2 minutes. Try a warm almond butter, cacao, almond milk, cinnamon and banana smoothie and you will feel like you are having something decadently naughty for sure!

Skip the dairy. Besides the fact that pasteurized dairy causes mucus, allergies, hormonal imbalance, digestive issues and much more, it is cooling. Instead go for coconut milk, almond milk,  young coconut meat or hemp milk. Add an avocado or soaked almonds or cashew for thick richness.

Think outside of the box. Use some new and different winter ingredients like sweet potato, pumpkin, beets, almond butter and even cabbage. All of these are warming foods, so they support your body in the colder times. The orange veggies provide much needed beta-carotene to help boost immunity. See the Pumpkin Pie smoothie recipe below.

Winter Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

1 cup peeled, cubed raw sweet potato

1/2 an avocado, peeled and pitted

8 oz. fresh carrot juice

splash (or more) coconut or almond milk

small wedge green cabbage (optional, but you won’t taste it & you’ll get a great nutrient boost)

liquid stevia to taste (try 2 drops to start)

1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

pinch Celtic salt

Put everything but the avocado in the Vita-Mix Blender and blend on high until smooth. With the blender running, drop in the avocado and blend another 30 seconds. Enjoy with a little cinnamon sprinkled on top.

Would you like to sail through the holidays with energy to spare and a slim figure to flaunt at New Year’s? Contact me for a special 20-minute complimentary Holiday Body Bliss Breakthrough Session through Dec. 29th. Just send an email to to schedule this phone session today!

Posted in anti-aging, beauty, boosting metabolism, cleansing, disease prevention, essential fatty acids, essential oils, gluten-free recipes, health, healthy eating, healthy holiday recipes, holiday recipe, holidays, immune health, omega 3 fatty acids, raw foods, seasonal foods, seasonal health, smoothies, vegatarian/vegan nutrition, weight loss | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments