The Power of Your Love List

A love list ignites body love & fulfillment

“I realized that being grateful to my body was key to giving myself more love.” ~ Oprah Winfrey


This past week (while preparing for and sharing the Body Love Sale), I have once again been reminded of the POWER of love.

The power of loving your body, yourself and those around you . . . but also the power of love IN ACTION. Meaning fueling what you DO, what you SAY, how you THINK, what you EAT . . .  with the intention of love.

This sounds really simple, and yet, if I were to ask you “what do you really love?” or “what to do you love to do?” Can you rattle off an AUTHENTIC list of 10 or more? Or do you get stuck wondering “what do I REALLY love?

I was asked this question last week, and had that moment of hesitation and questioning. I realized that in that moment I was NOT in my heart, I was not FEELING “the love”. Once I took a pause, a deep breath and dropped into my heart, that’s when the list began to flow with grace and ease.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because this month about Body Love – really, unconditionally loving yourself and  your body.

What I discovered when I let my “Love List” flow, was that it was in this space that magic started to happen, and my love, inspiration and opportunities began to grow. This exercise of connecting to what I truly love literally opened the door to more self-confidence, pleasure, relaxation, creativity, peace and prosperity opportunities.

(See my personal “love list” below!)


Law of attraction, baby! Like attracts like. : )

If you can connect with what you love, you are opening the energetic doors to invite even MORE of what you love and desire to flow in.

The next important step is to then to commit to DOING and including these things that you love DAILY.

What’s so interesting is that you may discover that you are not doing the things you love to do! I found this to be the case for myself.


Fear, resistance, limiting beliefs, habit . . . I’ve run up against them ALL, which is why I can share openly with you about this.

Your Body Love Assignment

  1. Ask yourself: “What do I REALLY love?” “What do I really LOVE to do?”
  2. Start writing your list. If you get stuck, take at least 2 deep breaths, close your eyes and tune in.
  3. Choose at least ONE item to incorporate daily. If it requires getting outside support, then schedule the next step NOW (i.e. purchasing something, signing up for a class, making a call, etc.)
  4. Connect daily to your “Love List” to continue to expand your capacity for Body Love and receiving your desires

Ready to receive loving support in your Body Love and Healthy Transformation? Join us for the special BODY LOVE SALE – $200 off my popular virtual 10-Week Body Transformation program! I’ve included some extraordinary bonuses . . . but you will need to take loving action by February 21st, 2012 to take advantage of this one time opportunity. Learn more and register here.

In joyful service to your body love and radiance,


PS – Curious to see my personal LOVE LIST? Here it is (I can’t believe I’m sharing this with you!):

My Love List (so far)

  1. The feeling of bare skin
  2. My morning smoothie
  3. Smelling fresh roses
  4. Playing in an organic garden
  5. Being in water
  6. Sunrise (over the ocean)
  7. Sunshine on my bare skin
  8. Beauty of nature
  9. Supporting women in living their dreams, overcoming their fears and owning their exquisiteness
  10. Expressing creativity – collaging, making jewelry, dancing, playing in the kitchen
  11. Hiking and being in nature
  12. Going to the farmer’s market
  13. Lying naked on my sheepskin
  14. Celebrating – being celebrated and celebrating others
  15. Unique jewelry
  16. Shoes
  17. Yoga!
  18. Free form dance
  19. Touching
  20. Performing/sharing  my passion in front of a BIG group
  21. Supporting others in shining their light and receiving success
  22. Learning about and exploring all things mystical
  23. Eating and smelling vanilla
  24. Avocados
  25. Watching/reading uplifting stories
  26. Music
  27. Sleeping
  28. Eating raw cheesecake
  29. Going on adventures
  30. Snuggling
  31. Smelling my essential oils – jasmine, orange, grapefruit, nutmeg, lemon . . . the list goes on!
  32. Gazing at the moon
  33. Creating rituals
  34. Creamy foods
  35. Laughing
  36. Wearing cashmere
  37. Sparkly gems
  38. Surprises (good ones!)
  39. Eating my homemade coconut yogurt/pudding
  40. Being in Big Sur
  41. Being authentic, being around authenticity
  42. Quiet time
  43. Looking at driving in “sexy” cars – Porches, Jaguars . . . yes, it’s true!
  44. Inspiring others (towards health, growth, joy, transformation . . . )
  45. Eating foods that truly feel GOOD in my body

Enjoying coconut love on the beach in Costa Rica!

This entry was posted in beauty, Body Love, depression, essential oils, finding joy, happiness, healthy bliss, holistic health, Inspiration, Love, nature, Self love, spiritual transformation, weight loss, Yoga and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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