Online Summer Yin Yoga 2020

2 Classes: Wednesdays 7/29, and 8/19 @4pm-5:15pm PST (all classes recorded, and available with registration)
These classes were inspired as a way to connect, heal, and find peace and ease during this pandemic time. As we slowly rise out of lockdown, and begin to create a new “normal”, these 2 summer classes will focus on continuing to use the deeply healing, recharging, grounding & rejuvenating practices of Yin Yoga, meditation & mindfulness to create peace, vitality, and ease anxiety and fear, while revitalizing the body-mind. In the face of continued uncertainty, the intention for these classes is on boldly creating your new vision for what you desire individually and globally. Suitable for all levels.
Each class is designed to uplift your spirit, open your heart and ease the body, while promoting circulation of energy (Prana) through the tissues, and more “juiciness” and aliveness in the joints AND your being. Ana will be weaving in inspirational quotes, along with seasonal Ayurvedic and spiritual wisdom to offer comfort during changing, uncertain and challenging times. Buy 1 or both classes!
**All sessions will be recorded. So, if you are unable to join live, recordings will be available to all registered.
These 75 minute classes are offered at a suggested rate of $15 per class. If you are able to pay more, please do as it will help keep things afloat here in Yoga Body Nutrition land! If you are financially challenged right now, please just offer whatever you can. I don’t want financials to keep you away.
Single Class 7/29 $15
Single Class 8/19 $15
*Custom amount for hardship or Yoga Angel donation
Click here to pay a custom amount OR consider Venmo (no fees): Ana-Poirier-1
Registration instructions
1. Single Class: Click on the link under your desired class date to complete your payment via PayPal.
2. All 4 Classes (save $8): Click the link for the Series of all 4 classes to complete your payment and registration via PayPal.
3. Make sure you have Zoom downloaded to your computer.
4. Check your email inbox for information regarding your class details and how to join.
**ALL classes will be recorded (in case you can’t make the actual time slot), and sent to you as an enrolled participant following our session. You’ll have access to these for approximately a week.
For Class: Have a bolster (or couch pillows), blanket, block/s (or more pillows!). Be well, and I hope to see you in class soon!